3-Second Offer:
Realtors® and home service professionals: Generate $360,000 in annual referral business by joining a free local Maxment Business Referral Group (MBRG) on Facebook for your city.
In return, maintain a 4-star customer rating and dedicate 10 minutes daily to your local referral group to provide and receive support and referrals.
Maxment’s goal for each local MBNG is 100 members.
This means signing up 100 business members for your local group. Based on national averages, your business could receive 30 referral clients or $360,000 in referral business annually.
About Maxment:
Maxment, Inc., a startup, manages local business referral groups on Facebook for its business members (realtors and home service professionals) in 2,000 U.S. cities.
Maxment’s mission is “2,000-100.”
This means:
- Setting up 2,000 local business referral groups for realtors and home service professionals in 2,000 U.S. cities.
- Signing up 100 business members for each local group, so—based on national averages—each business can receive 30 referral clients or $360,000 in referral business annually.
Core Benefits of the “2,000-100” Mission:
- Once Maxment signs up 100 home service professional members for your local group, based on national averages, your business could receive 10 referral clients or $360,000 in referral business annually.
Benefits (All):
- Free to join.
- No upfront costs. You pay 5% only when you generate referral business through our referral partners or systems.
- Other group members act as your unpaid sales team whenever they work or make a marketing call on a homeowner or business.
- Receive referrals and support from 50+ business members in your local group.
- Once your local group has 100 members, your business could generate $360,000 in annual referral business.
Benefits for Realtors:
In addition to the above benefits, each realtor also receives the following benefits:
In Return, Your Business Needs to Follow These Terms:
- Maintain an industry-average customer rating or Net Promoter Score.
- Visit your local online group for few minutes daily to provide and receive support and referrals.
- Refer business to other members whenever possible.
Who Can Join?
- Home service professional with 3 years in business.
- Solo real estate agent with 12 closed sales in the past 3 years. Or a real estate team with 12 closed sales per team member in the past 3 years. (For example, a 2-agent team should have closed 24 sales in the past 3 years.)
- Your chosen category & cities are available.
Steps to Join:
From each of the 2,000 cities, we accept only one business per category. Join today before your category is taken!
- On biz.maxment.com, click the “2,000+ U.S. Cities” menu link to check the availability of your chosen category in your selected city. (A category is available if there is no name or checkmark (√) next to it.)
- On biz.maxment.com, read the EARNING DISCLAIMER and MaxmentPro Business Network Group terms.
- Visit the URL of the MaxmentPro Business Network Group on Facebook and request to join.
- If a MaxmentPro Group for your city is not yet active, fill out this pre-registration form to be added to the waiting list. Your local group admin will contact you when the business referral group for your city is ready to launch.
- Note 1: If you are a real estate agent and a real estate deal is referred by Maxment or another business member, you will pay $0 (or no) referral fee. However, if it is referred by another real estate agent member in our network, you will pay a standard (or pre-agreed upon) 25% referral fee directly to the referring agent.
- Note 2: Maxment Homeowner Subscribers (MHOS) will be active once Maxment has set up 2,000 local MBRG groups, and each group has, on average, 20 business members.
For more information, visit biz.maxment.com.