MaxmentPro Terms, Policies, and Guidelines
- “Maxment,” “MaxmentPro,” “MPro,” and “We” refer to Maxment, Inc.
- “Maxment Member,” “MaxmentPro Biz Member,” “MaxmentPro Member,” “MPro Member,” and “You” refer to you or your business entity as a Maxment, Inc. business member or a member of a Maxment Business Network Group.
Core Terms:
- Daily: Visit your local online group for 5 minutes daily to provide and receive support and referrals. Refer clients to other local and national business members whenever possible.
- Weekly: Review the current member list, visit the websites of 10 members, review their services, and inform them via email or direct message that you visited their websites and will send referrals when possible.
- Quarterly: Maintain an industry-average customer rating or Net Promoter Score.
MaxmentPro Administrative Policies:
Track referrals and closed deals on a shared Google Sheet template provided by us. Include the status of all incoming and outgoing referrals or leads (with estimated dollar value, if known). Pay the Maxment marketing fee (if any) by the 10th of each month for the previous month’s closed deals. Track referral/lead sources and closed deals from the following sources:
- Your local group or network.
- Your national network or group.
- Maxment Auto Lead System(s), such as Maxment Homeowners Group (MHOG), Maxment Homeowner Subscribers (MHOS), and Maxment Top of Mind System (MTOMS).
MaxmentPro Program (Daily/Weekly/Quarterly/Yearly) Guidelines (Recommended Practices):
- Weekly (Optional): Initiate 1-2-1 online or in-person meetings weekly with one or more members to learn more about their businesses and build deeper relationships.
- Quarterly (Optional – once generating $100,000 in annual referral business through Maxment): Implement a business management system (e.g., the EMyth-inspired 6Q10S framework or any other similar system) to manage growth and prevent business implosion. This involves answering 6 core business questions and updating 1 of 10 core business systems quarterly using a Google Sheet or CRM software.
- Quarterly (Optional – for real estate agents): Serve as the group admin once per quarter or 3 months per year to develop leadership skills. As admin, invite 10% of group members each quarter to serve as group moderators for the next quarter. If you cannot find enough volunteers, select 10% of group members to perform various group management tasks, such as welcoming new members and enforcing group rules.
- Quarterly Offline Meetup (Optional – for real estate agents): Organize quarterly social gatherings and invite all group members. Expenses can be shared among members if needed.
- Quarterly (Optional): One of your key goals should be to earn enough ($360,000–$1 million) to secure your future against AI disruption.
- Yearly (Optional): Share your business purpose with all other members (see 6Q10S framework details). This allows other members to better understand your business and help you achieve your goals.
- Yearly Offline Meetup (Optional – for real estate agents): Organize yearly social gatherings (e.g., Christmas, 4th of July) and invite all group members. Expenses can be shared among members if needed.
Code of Ethics (Pledge to be made quarterly):
- I will provide quality services at the prices quoted.
- I will be truthful with members and their referrals.
- I will build goodwill and trust among members and their referrals.
- I will follow up on the referrals I receive.
- I will uphold the ethical standards of my profession.*
- I will display a positive and supportive attitude.
*(Professional standards outlined in a formal code of ethics supersede these standards.)
MaxmentPro General Terms/Policies:
- All members belong to one or more local Facebook groups and national groups to give and receive referrals. You must join the recommended local and national groups after joining.
- MPro membership lists are for giving and receiving referrals only, not for soliciting (via email, direct mail, or other means) without prior approval.
- You may promote your business (or special deals/offers) once a month, on the 10th, by posting in your local group.
- Each quarter, 10% of the members from each local group must act as moderators and dedicate adequate time to perform moderation or administrative services.
- Membership requires sponsorship by an existing member.
- You must have been in business for one year or longer and have generated $100,000+ annually in any of the last 3 years.
- Within 90 days of joining, you must provide positive customer testimonials and have industry-average customer ratings on Google or other reputable review websites (e.g., Yelp).
- Real estate agents must pledge to build a million-dollar+ GCI. This benefits all members by generating more referrals.
- Only one person per business specialty category is allowed in a Maxment chapter.
- Members may only participate in one Maxment chapter at a time. Once you earn $10,000/month in referral business from Maxment for 6 consecutive months, you may not be a member of any other similar organization. Membership moderators must enforce this policy.
- Once your local group has 50 members, you may not be a member of any other similar organization. Membership moderators must enforce this policy.
- Members cannot be in a second Maxment chapter (without permission from a Maxment Director) or any other similar group, as this reduces commitment to their primary chapter. Membership moderators must enforce this policy.
- Maxment does not endorse the capabilities or professional expertise of its members and is not liable for business conducted between members.
- Policies are subject to change with review by the Board of Advisors.
- Members may not use Maxment Intellectual Property (e.g., logos, trademarks) without prior written consent from MPro HQ. Members must abide by MPro Branding Standards for any permitted use.
- Changes to business categories require approval from the Membership Committee (minimum two members), Group Area Coordinator (GAC), or assigned group admin.
- Membership transfers require a written request, good standing, and approval from the Membership Committee or Moderator of the chapter where the member wishes to transfer.
- MPro is a marketing service provided by Maxment, Inc. MPro reserves the right to discontinue a member’s participation.
- Memberships may be put on probation or forfeited for failure to adhere to the Policies and Code of Ethics.
- The Membership Committee, Moderator, or group admin has authority regarding member business practices or problems with other members.
- Quarterly and yearly in-person meetings are recommended, but not required. They are a valuable opportunity for networking and relationship building.
- Maxment may establish chapters in any community and may open more than one chapter per community with close to 100,000 homeowners.
- Maxment membership includes participation in marketing materials (e.g., testimonials, images). Members grant Maxment rights to use their name, company name, photo, statements, and industry information in all media, in perpetuity.
- Maxment does not provide profession exclusivity but allows for specialties within professions (e.g., Residential Real Estate Agent, Commercial Real Estate Agent). Concerns about specialty conflicts can be communicated to the Group Admin (or Group Coordinator) or Membership Committee. The Membership Committee or Maxment Group Coordinator makes the final decision on membership acceptance.
- Members assume the risk of participating in meetings and events, release Maxment from liability, acknowledge no financial guarantees, accept Maxment’s discretion to admit members, and release Maxment and affiliates from all liabilities.
- Membership requests must be reviewed and approved by the Membership Committee or Group Admin.
- Members do not receive an exclusive territory but receive exclusive membership for their core category/specialty in a local chapter. Members may face competition.
- EARNING DISCLAIMER: You must read and agree to the ‘Earning Disclaimer’ before becoming a MaxmentPro member.
- Term of Agreement and Renewal: Membership agreements are auto-renewed annually if all terms are met, but renewal is not guaranteed. Maxment reserves the right to discontinue membership at or after renewal without reason.
- Arbitration: Disputes shall be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the laws of the applicant’s MPro chapter location.
- Limitations on Liability: Liability is limited to the amount of commission or marketing fee paid. No liability for indirect, consequential, or punitive damages. Actions must be brought within one year of accrual.