Roadmap to Achieve 2,000-50-20,000 Mission (Public)


Updated: July, 2024

Maxment mission is: 2,000-200-20,000

It means:

  • To setup 2,000 business referral groups on Facebook for its realtor & home service professional members from 2,000 U.S. cities.

  • To signup 200 business members per group—so each business member can get 10 referral clients per month or $M referral business per month.

  • To signup 20,000 homeowner subscribers from each of 2,000 cities for Maxmentpro directory—so at 0.5% yearly closing ratio, each business member can get upto 10 referral clients per month or upto $100K* referral business per month & can AI-proof her life.


The roadmap to achieve Maxment's mission is:

—Setup 2,000 online local biz referral groups so local business members can start joning the groups.

—Signup 50-200 business members per group for each of 2,000 groups with the help of about 10,000 Maxment Associates–so as per national average–each business member can get 1-10 referral clients per month or can get $10K-$100K/month referral business.


—Signup 5,000 Maxment homeowner subscribers from each of 2,000 cities for Maxmentpro directory by using 10+ AI marketing systems—so at 0.5% average yearly closing ratio—each business member can get upto 25 referral clients per year or about 2 referral clients per month or $20K referral business per month.

—Signup 20,000 Maxment homeowner subscribers from each of 2,000 cities for Maxmentpro directory by using 10+ AI marketing systems—so at 0.5% average yearly closing ratio—each business member can get upto 100 referral clients per year or about 10 referral clients per month or $100K referral business per month & can AI-proof her life.


*Disclaimer: The above roadmap is just a projection into the future. There is NO GUARANTEE that Maxment will be able to signup 50-200 local business members for your group or 5,000-20,000 Maxment homeowner subscribers from your city.  And thus, there is NO GUARANTEE that—as a Maxment or Maxmentpro business member—your business will be able to generate 10 clients per month or generate $100K per month referral business.