6Q10S - Framework Intro - One Page

6Q10S Framework Intro:

Now any small business can build a self-growing, sustainable, sellable (million dollar) business by setting up lead generation and fulfillment systems by using E-Myth inspired 6Q10S Framework.

The 6Q10S is a simple but very powerful business framework (or structure) where—each quarter—you (along with your team) answer or update 6 core business questions; update or enhance 3 marketing systems; and update or enhance 7 fulfillment systems using regular or AI powered software.

To manage 6Q10S, you just need to follow simple quarterly and weekly routines:

  • Each quarter, you answer or update 6 core business questions

  • Each quarter, you setup & maintain 3+ lead generation (or marketing) systems*

  • Each quarter, you enhance 1 of 7 standard business fulfillment systems

  • Each quarter, you run 6Q10S governance meeting to setup quarterly goals and solve any governance related issues

  • Each week, you run 6Q10S tactical meetings to review weekly tasks and solve any operation related issues

 (* Note: If you're a Maxment member, then, Maxment will setup & maintain 3+ lead generation systems for your business on a 5% pay per sale basis without any upfront cost to you.)


6Q10S Detail:

Each Quarter, You Answer / Update 6 Questions:

The 6Qs are based upon two best selling books: 'The Advantage' by Patrick Lencioni & 'The Five Most Important Questions by Peter Drucker (the father of business management) with Jim Collins (the author of Good to Great) & Philip Kotler (the author of Principles of Marketing).

These 6Qs will align everyone in your internal and external team to your company's mission & purpose

  • Q1. What is our purpose? -- it can be to build a million dollar business (or anything else) so you can get what you want from your business.

  • Q2. What are our core values? -- your two or three core values or beliefs that you live by.

  • Q3. What do we do? -- your core product or service -- your guarantee --your core customers.

  • Q4. How will we succeed?--names of all business systems that you have in place (or will have soon) to achieve your stated purpose.

  • Q5. What is important now? your ONE financial goal and ONE non-financial goal (or OKRs) for this quarter that should help you achieve your 3-year vision and life time vision.

  • Q6. Who does what? -- your organizational or responsibilities chart to achieve your Q5 goals.

Note: In most cases, answers to Q1 to Q4 will remain the same from quarter to quarter—even from year to year. You just need to update Q5 & Q6 from quarter to quarter.


Each Quarter, You Setup/Maintain 3 FREE Lead Generation (or Marketing) Systems*:

The number one reason most small businesses fail is because they don't have system(s) in place to generate referrals & leads consistently on autopilot.

Here is an outline of 3 generic lead generation systems that you can setup yourself—or if you become a member—Maxment will setup & maintain for you on pay per sale basis:

  • Business Referral Group (BRG) — The purpose of BRG is to signup 50 non-competing homepros from your city so your business can generate $100K+ referral business per year on autopilot.

  • Top of Mind System (TOMS) — The purpose of TOMS is to stay top of mind by connecting with your existing customers 52 times a year using social media & email so 20% to 50% of your business can come from your existing customers on autopilot.

  • Auto Lead System (ALS-20K)—The purpose of ALS-20K is to signup 20,000 homeowners from your city, and then reach them 52 times a year via email & social media with education & offers from your business, so—@0.5% yearly closing ratio—your business can get 100 referral clients /year  or $1,000,000 referral business /year on autopilot.


Each Quarter, You Enhance 1 of 7 Fulfillment or Delivery Systems (Continuous Innovation):

The number two reason that most small businesses fail [is] because they don't have effective systems in place to convert leads into customers; deliver what they  promise & clients expect; and manage their growth.

Here is an outline of 7 generic fulfillment systems that you can setup yourself by using any off-the-shelf web based CRM (AI powered) software & your niche specific processes & checklists—or if you're a member—you can use Maxment provided AI CRM software, and niche specific processes & checklists for FREE*:

  • Auto Closing System (ACS) —The purpose of ACS is to close above industry average leads & referrals using your website.  

  • Auto Testimonial / Review System (ATS) — The purpose of ATS is to obtain above industry average testimonials & reviews on autopilot.

  • Auto Delivery System (ADS)—The purpose of ADS is to maintain industry average Net Promoter Score (or customer ratings) by using proven checklists / templates.

  • Auto Accounting System (AAS)—The purpose of AAS is to track 3 to 5 key financial metrics (such as cash in hand) by using any standard accounting software and optional Profit-first accounting principles. 

  • Customer Relation Management (CRM) System—The purpose of CRM (AI) is to manage leads & customers effectively by using any standard cloud based CRM system.

  • Human Resource Management (HRM) System—The purpose of HRM is to manage your employees effectively by using any standard cloud based HRM system and optional 'No 3 Signs of a Miserable Job' principles.  

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)—The purpose of ERP is to manage outside vendors & partners effectively using any standard cloud based ERP system.  

*Note: Generic software components, templates, checklists & e-guides for all 7 delivery systems are NOT AVAILABLE FOR ALL NICHES yet but will be available soon to our biz members for all niches.


You Run One Weekly & One Quarterly Meeting To Solve Business Issues and Track Core Metrics/Goals:

  • Weekly Tactical Meeting (OKRs): Each week, you run one tactical meeting to solve your tactical business issues. You can use any format for this type of meeting, but we suggest using Holacracy & OKRs (Objectives Key Results) formats so you can run a world class meeting in under 90 minutes.

  • Quarterly OKR Meeting: Each quarter, you run one OKRs Meeting to setup & update status on your ONE financial, ONE non-financial and ONE Thematic Goal. You can use any one format for this type of meeting, but we suggest using combination of OKRs & Holacracy formats.

Benefits of 6Q10S:

  • 6Qs (updated on a quarterly basis) will align every team member (internal and external) to your company's purpose & goals.

  • 3 lead or referral generation systems (AI Powered) will help you to generate leads & referrals on autopilot and will enable you to build a self-growing, self-sustaining business.

  • 7 fulfillment systems (updated on a quarterly basis) will enable you to build a self-managing company that your employees should be able to run without you so you can be free of your business.


By using the 6Q10S framework, you should be able to build a self-growing, self-sustaining, self-managing, sellable business and should be able to get what you want from your business—such as to secure your financial future and to AI-proof your life.