Auto Delivery System (ADS)

(Coming Soon!)

"Client fulfillment is not an easy task. Customers can be fickle and they're not always going to tell you when and why they're unhappy. It's up to you to do the groundwork to determine how well you're meeting and hopefully exceeding their expectations. You can't afford the luxury of not providing exactly what your customers want, need or expect."

--Michael Gerber, The author of EMyth.


What is a Delivery System?
A DS is a system to provide exactly what your customers want, need or expect by using standard templates & checklists .

Why Delivery System?
Delivery system is vital to have raving fans and generate great reviews and referrals.

What is the purpose of a DS?
So your employees can deliver or fulfill quality service consistently by using shared checklists / templates.

What will Maxment do?
Maxment will provide you with yearly updated universal templates of Deliver / Fulfillment System along with case studies of successful companies in your niche so you can adapt it easily to make it your own.

Key Benefits:

  • You will have an almost perfect ‘Delivery/Fulfillment Sequence’ for every task to ensure that your new clients are wow’d and develop long-term loyalty to you and your services.

  • You will learn how to reduce waste products; find economies of scale (if available); and outsource if it is more economical and efficient.

  • Real examples and templates from other businesses in your category that you can ‘swipe and deploy’ at your business immediately. (Coming!)